May 11, 2013


The Art of Manliness
The Art of Manliness (Photo credit: Chandra Marsono)
It's been a nice evening at home. We've been far too busy, so it was good to kick back and relax with very little pressure to be anywhere at a certain time or whatever. The kids at my job were squabbling like crazy today, but I did enjoy playing catch with the elder in the front yard and chatting with him one-on-one a bit. I'm definitely going to miss them this summer.
So house-hunting with my husband is hilarious. One of the realtors emailed us a 'buyer survey' so they could better meet our home needs or whatever. I humored them and filled it out. One of the questions was "What do you definitely not want in your house?". Our answers included "a lady living under the sink" and "feral children in the walls". In other news, he has been incredibly patient with me and my anxiety and snappiness this week. He's supposed to be writing me a love letter as part of the 30 Days to a Better Man series from the Art of Manliness website and I have to admit that I'm not giving him a lot of material lately.
My Mom is coming for Mother's day tomorrow and we are going to see a children's rock band (as in a rock band whose members are children, not a rock band whose music is targeted to children) perform the Best of the 80s! It should be fun. I love how my Mom is easygoing and open to new things.
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