I'm trying to clean the apartment tonight in preparation for the party tomorrow.
I thought about going to get my hair cut tonight, but I won't have time. Sad day.
Tomorrow is casual day at work. I'm pretty sure it's sad that I'm more excited about wearing jeans than about it actually being Friday.
I talked to my Mom about dreams this morning. The poor woman asked one question and I went off on this crazy tangent about REM sleep and depersonalization. She says she doesn't mind, but I know I must be a lot to handle sometimes, especially early in the morning.
We're having a Munchkin party tomorrow. It should be pretty awesome and dorky. I just hope my house looks presentable and that Jim and Linda don't flake ot on us again. They have such a romantic bubble.
I went on another interview today. I've been on so many now that they are all starting to blur together. I really want this one, even if it is in a big scary office building. I just want someone to give me a chance. Once they do, I know I'll be amazing and I can accomplish so much.
I miss Mike a lot. He's had rehearsal every day this week. I will see him tomorrow though. And his first show is next week. I can't wait to see it, I know he'll be hilarious.
...We recently found out that my five year old cousin has Type 1 diabetes. The same thing that killed her grandpa. Her Mom is really scared and I know she is too. I guess it's better to know sooner though and start dealing with it now. I just hope they will take it more seriously than her Grampy ever did.