December 25, 2010

Joy to the World...I suppose

I got to see Gawy last night. That was fun. He accompanied me on my terrifying last-minute Wal-Mart run. I acquired presents (which were well-received) and food for Christmas dinner, including delightful ham! We discussed how spoiled we have become by citylife and how people from our hometown don't even recognize us anymore.

My Mom and I read some of our traditional Christmas story, Holly and Ivy, until I fell asleep. We'll finish it today.

Mike's a bit upset because his mom is inviting 12 virtual strangers who don't speak English to their house for Christmas day. She means well, but in her quest to save the world she doesn't really think about the needs of her family. I'm not sure she even realizes they HAVE needs. Anyway, he mentioned that he can't wait for next year, when we can have our own private family dinner. It made me think about how we might want to do our first Christmas as a couple. I need to make a list. I like lists.
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