I lost a kitty on Monday. His name was Jeffrey. I'm still uncomfortable using the past tense when talking about him. He deserves his own post in memoriam and I will do that as soon as I feel able. I miss him. I still look for him everytime I walk out the door. He's at the firetower now, as he deserves. My Mom and Dad were kind enough to take care of that for me.
I keep trying to clean and straighten my apartment. I've made some progress, but I still think that by the time I get it how I want it...it will be time to start moving everything into the fiance's apartment. I'll start doing that around the first of October, a box at a time. We've worked out most of the major furniture issues. (I get to keep my 20-year old couch! Whee!) I don't think it will be too much of an adjustment...But yeah, I have been doing better with keeping my kitchen and bathroom clean. Also the living room. Really, everyplace but my bedroom, which becomes a dumping zone because no one (including me) goes in there. It's really just a big closet. My brothers (and sisters), this should not be.
Also, I painted my fingernails purple today. Yay depth!
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